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CHP Cracking Down on Aggressive Driving

Today the California Highway Patrol started a year-long campaign against agrressive drivers. This means going after not just cars that are speedig, but "people who are zipping in and out of traffic, cutting people off, and specifically those who contribute most to traffic collisions." The full story is here.

This sort of driving generally violates California Vehicle Code Section 22350, which prohibits driving at speeds that are not safe for the condition.

According to 2011 CHP statistics, aggressive driving lead to more than 1,100 fatalities and 100,000 auto collisions in California.

So drive safe and drive with some respect for those around you - slow down, don't tailgate and don't cut off other cars. These are just the types of actions that lead to serious collisions and serious injuries.

Pete Clancy is a personal injury attorney in Oakland.